Saturday, 4 February 2017

Agriculture; An introduction.

Agriculture is as old as simple we can define it- production of food & fiber. Since the human civilization, agriculture has grown in a parallel way with us. In the meantime, depending upon the necessity we have upgraded the agriculture techniques. I will not provide any statics here on my blog, that whole material is already available on the web. I will share my personal views and experiences being a trader, exporter, grower, and biotechnologist. 
India has a very remarkable contribution to world agriculture. Our government also has actively introduced so many schemes to develop agro business in our country. Today, we are not only fulfilling our own requirements but also we exporting a very large number of fruits and vegetables all around the world.
If we talk about our strengths- our geographical location, climate, versatile soil availability larger market and a big number of active farmers are our strengths. We can grow almost anything and everything in our nutrient rich soil and climate. We also have started importing various exotic fruits & vegetables, cultivating here and exporting. 
Today, agriculture has become an attractive & profitable industry worldwide. Even engineering, IT and medical professionals are trying to find out possibilities in agro business but there is a certain barrier which has to be taken seriously to start and grow successfully.
To know, understand and resolve the barriers in agro business keep reading further posts and do not hesitate to contact me if necessary.
Thank you!

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